Senior Leadership Team

Simon Larter-Evans
Anselm Barker
Deputy Principal
Stephen Robinson
Business Director
Elizabeth Odell
Director of Studies

Vocational Directors

Antony Dowson
Artistic Director of Encore and Graduate Programmes
Lorraine Jones
Director of the Dance Course, Head of Dance
Harmesh Gharu
Head of Music and Director of the Commercial Music Course
Jane Verrall
Co-Director of the Performance Foundation Course
Edward Applewhite
Head of Drama and Director of the Acting Course
Donna Hayward
Director of the Musical Theatre Course and Co-Director of the Performance Foundation Course

Academic Management Team

Anu Mahesh
Deputy Director of Studies (Academic), Head of Science and Maths
Amanda Deer
Head of Tring Park Prep
Sarah Bell
Head of Lower School
Imogen Niesyto
Head of Middle School, Head of Careers and UCAS
Sarah Coren
Head of Sixth Form
Robert Brown
Head of Humanities
Jo Myers
Head of Arts

Our Pastoral Team

Clock House
Kathryn Lord
Senior Housemistress
Clock House
Benny Simpson
Clock House
Eve Collins
Mansion House
Anne Hookey
Senior Housemistress
Mansion House
Beth Donaldson
Mansion House
Francesca Joseph
Elizabeth House
Kay Wayman
Senior Housemistress
Elizabeth House
Elizabeth Gibson

The Trust

Dione Angela Grimston, Countess of Verulam, CVO

Robert Voss, CBE
Vice President


Angela Odell, Chair of Governors
Mark Hewitt, Deputy Chairman
Daniel Zammit
Edward Williams
Eric Pillinger
Jan Kitteridge
John Clark
Mark Taylor
Michael Harper
Robert Breakwell
Simon Knee
Dr Vanessa Champion


Adam Garcia (TPA)
Adam Cooper
Alastair Murray
Amanda Nicholson
Barbara Powell
Claire Sweeney
Derek Townsend
Dorothy Ind
Elizabeth Howe
Gerald Corbett
Howard Goodall CBE
Janie Wentworth-Stanley
John Cameron
Juliet Murray
Sir Matthew Bourne OBE
Michael Buckingham
Suzy Harvey
Vanetia Wrigley