Our Open Morning is ideally suited to children who are interested in joining Tring Park for Years 3 to 6 from September 2025, or sooner!
Attendees are asked to arrive at 10:30am for tea and coffee with Simon Larter-Evans (Principal) and Anselm Barker (Deputy Principal). You will then enjoy a tour of the school and see a vocational class in action! At the end of the Open Morning, pupils will then have time to take part in fun activities whilst the parents are invited to meet Elizabeth Odell (Director of Studies) and Amanda Deer (Head of Tring Park Prep).
Welcome to Tring Park Prep
Children in Tring Park Prep have a zest for life and aspirations to achieve in their chosen field. They are able to work academically and vocationally during the school day which ensures they develop a wide range of skills and the self-confidence that is required to prepare them for secondary school.
Children are taught in two mixed-age classes, and follow an integrated timetable moving between performing arts and academic lessons. Approximately one third of the pupils’ time is spent in vocational lessons and the remainder on more traditional academic subjects, sports and holistic activities such as mindfulness.
Alongside the more traditional curriculum, Tring Park Prep offers children a broad training in the performing arts, giving pupils a foundation on which to build if they wish to progress through the School. The pupils study classical ballet, modern and tap dance as well as acting, music and choir. Emphasis is on establishing a good basic technique in all areas, whilst encouraging a passion for the performing arts.