Our balanced curriculum sets us apart from other schools and provides pupils with a well-rounded education, enabling them to achieve high academic excellence and versatility as a performer.


Tring Park School is a co-educational boarding and day school based in Hertfordshire, UK, educating and training young people from the age of 7 to 19. Pupils receive rigorous training in the performing arts, that is combined with an extensive academic programme of study. Our Preps benefit from a unique private school education with an emphasis on performing arts and creativity. From Year 7, pupils can specialise in either Dance or Performance Foundation, with the option to focus on Dance, Commercial Music, Musical Theatre or Acting at Sixth Form level.

Our pupils are dedicated, committed, enthusiastic, and hard working. It’s an energetic and vibrant atmosphere – and that is something that quickly rubs off on new pupils.

A message from our...
Simon Larter-Evans

Tring Park School for the Performing Arts provides an environment which allows for a fusion of natural talent and creativity combined with fine teaching and training.

What we offer here is unique. Talented children and young people benefit from an excellent standard of teaching in the Performing Arts, and this is reinforced by a very high level of academic education. This results in rounded individuals who are fully prepared for life; not just trained performers, but ‘thinking’ performers. It is this depth and breadth of education that will give them the best possible chances in their future careers.
We know that every single one of our pupils is different, each with their own blend of ability and ambition. We endeavour to provide a training and education which meets the needs of each pupil and allows them to achieve their very best.
Tring Park is a very exciting place to be. Visitors comment on the buzz and energy that is about the place. A cursory glance at the timetable will show how much we do during the week, vocationally and academically, both inside and outside school. Additionally, all our vocational departments present productions that run in our own Markova Theatre throughout the academic year.
All this performing, training and learning requires a great deal of dedication and commitment from both staff and pupils and this creates a stimulating environment within a supportive community.
Come and visit us to see and experience the school for yourself – I very much look forward to welcoming you.

Izzy Higgs
Head Girl

My houseparents’ once told me that every time I speak about Tring, my face lights up and that I can’t help but smile. I think this portrays how special it is to be able to train and grow at Tring Park, not only as a performer but also as a young person preparing to enter the wider world as a valued member of society.

Despite the long and tiring days that Tring entails, each student wakes up excited, determined to succeed and ready to commit both academically and vocationally. This is down to the motivational and enthusiastic teachers, a positive and supportive environment and being surrounded by people who all have an ambition, love and passion for the performing arts.

Being surrounded with so much talent and energy from my peers, truly inspires me and I feel so lucky to have created friendships with like-minded people that support and push me into becoming the best version of myself. The relationships you make with both staff and students while being at this school are like no other. Tring is not like any ordinary school, it is a family, helping you push through the low times and celebrating the many successes that students have, with Tring creating opportunities, realising potential and achieving excellence.

Before joining Tring Park, I was a shy, introverted and quiet girl. I have learnt numerous valuable life lessons in my three years at this school, and with one year left to go, I know I will leave with confidence, courageousness and many other attributes needed to excel in any workplace.

I feel so lucky and grateful to call Tring Park School my home.

Guy Bandell
Head Boy

When I first joined Tring Park, I was amazed at the breadth of talent demonstrated across all the various courses, a feat only made possible by the unwavering commitment of the fantastic staff who empower the students to thrive.

The aim of the school, to provide a unique combination of outstanding academic education alongside industry-leading vocational training, is undeniably achieved in a supportive and nurturing setting, with students fully encouraged to follow their own paths. All the teachers are immensely focused on providing students with the best opportunities to succeed, whilst also acknowledging and supporting them through the challenges that come along with such a busy schedule.

Other than the incredible quality of education, I think what has made my time at Tring so special is being surrounded by a community of friendly people who are endlessly passionate and driven by the same creative goals. On a daily basis, I am able to collaborate and learn from other students under the mentorship of industry professionals in a stimulating and inspiring environment.

All the various elements of life at Tring Park combine to nurture the skills needed to flourish in a creative industry as well as developing your ability to manage limited time and balance responsibilities in a way that reflects working life.

My time at Tring has inspired me to explore a career in the music industry and introduced me to a community of talented, hard working people who I am privileged enough to work alongside. This past year has changed my perception of how education can be approached and I truly believe that Tring Park School is unique in encouraging its students to succeed beyond school life.

Our Prefects for 2023/24

Musical Theatre
Izzy Higgs
Head Girl
Commercial Music
Guy Bandell
Head Boy
Commercial Music
Teri Ofon
Deputy Head Girl
Tom Ireson
Deputy Head Boy
Nikki Williamson
Musical Theatre
Rufus Kampa
Musical Theatre
Holly Boden
Musical Theatre
Lily Stanley
Ralph Swanepoel
Bo McDonagh
Musical Theatre
Millie Pass
Musical Theatre
Elliot Stiff
Darcy-Summer Hannan
Charlotte Carter
Daisy Brook
Sammy Bamford

Our Vision, Purpose, Aims & Values


To be the pre-eminent centre of excellence for training and educating the next generation of the world’s most versatile performance artists.


We provide a creative environment in which pupils with a love of the performing arts can flourish. A vocational, arts-based education enhances all aspects of our pupils’ learning and allows them to develop life skills such as creative thinking, confidence and resilience. Our vocational training in dance, drama, musical theatre, music and technical theatre provides students with the best possible opportunities for a career in the performing arts. Combining this with a full academic curriculum and qualifications gives them access additionally to a wide range of other career options. In short, Tring Park’s integrated dual curriculum gives pupils the best opportunity to fulfil their potential. Our excellent pastoral care and commitment to safeguarding provide pupils with a safe, caring and supportive environment in which to pursue their studies.


We aim to provide this education to pupils from all backgrounds who have the potential to benefit from this specialist environment, and to make our specialist facilities and teaching expertise more widely available to children and young adults with talent and potential beyond the School.


At Tring Park School, we value Excellence, Creativity and Resilience. We also promote social and life skills such as collaboration, adaptability, tolerance, consideration for others and self-discipline, in order to prepare pupils to be successful and valued members of society. Training in the performing arts places a key emphasis on these values.

Our History

  • The first Mansion was designed by Sir Christopher Wren and built by Henry Guy around 1673. Guy was Groom of the Bedchamber to Charles II.
  • In 1702 Guy sells the estate to Sir William Gore, Lord Mayor of London.
  • In 1786 Sir Drummond Smith buys the estate. He becomes the first Baronet of Tring Park.
  • 1823 William Kay buys the estate but rents it out.
  • 1872 Baron Lionel Rothschild buys the estate for his son Nathaniel, who later becomes the 1st Lord Rothschild. By 1888 Nathaniel Rothschild had encased the Wren house with the house you see today. He doubled the house in size and added a floor.
  • The Rothschilds had moved out by the start of World War II but used the Mansion as a place to store documents from the Rothschild Bank in London and a place of safety for expectant mothers from the east-end of London, helped by their Jewish charities.
  • The school arrived in 1945 and has been present ever since.

Olive Mary Ripman (co-founder) was born in 1886, in Teddington, Middlesex. It is believed she started her first dance school in Croydon around 1919 at the age of 33. Olive Ripman was, by the 1930’s, a highly respected dance teacher and chorographer whose reputation preceded her. Olive Ripman died in Newton Abbot, Devon in 1981.


Grace Cone (co-founder), full name Angela Nadine Grace Cohn, was born in Lewisham in 1892. The Cone family were originally from Germany and came to the United Kingdom sometime between 1885 and 1891. The earliest newspaper cuttings found see Grace dancing at the age of 17 in Worthing in 1909 and her applying for licences to London County Council for her dancing business in 1927. Grace Cone died in Hove, Brighton in 1980.


The school moved to ‘Loddington Hall’, Uppingham in Leicestershire. ‘The Sketch’ newspaper did a piece on the school and took some unusual photographs! The house was once again requisitioned, this time by the Paratrooper Regiment, so they moved back south to Folly Court in Wokingham. After a short stay at Wokingham the next move was to ‘Rawdon Hall’, Holyport near Maidenhead. The last move before they came to Tring, was to a farmhouse called ‘Ystumllyn’, an old 16th century building near Porthmadog in Wales.


The school moved to the Rothschild Mansion in Tring Park. During the war the Rothschild Mansion was used by the Rothschild Bank for administration and to house important documents, which they wanted to store away from the bombing in the capital. The Mansion was also used as a hospital for people from the east end of London who were struggling with life and the blitz.


During the war years the school’s name was a bit of a mystery but in 1947 we know it was called ‘The Cone Ripman School’. Then in 1948 the school’s name was changed to the ‘Tring Park School of Theatrical Arts’. By 1949 it was changed again to the ‘Arts Educational Schools’. Eventually the two schools became more commonly known as, ‘ArtsEd Tring’ and ‘ArtsEd London'.


In 1963 Grace Cone and Olive Ripman took a backseat and Beryl Grey an ex-student, later to be Dame Beryl Grey became the Director of the School. 1955 Mrs Hearn became Principal of the school and she retired in 1967. Miss Janet Sinclair took over but for a year then Marie Jack arrived and was to stay for the next 19 years.


In 1970 The Arts Educational Schools Trust, then still allied with AES London in Chiswick, acquired the freehold of the Mansion and 17 acres of the former park and gardens from the Rothschild family. Things are beginning to change, and great plans are being made.


The new School dining room was built in 1982 and was named the Cone-Ripman Hall in honour of the founders. A plan was developed to build a school theatre. An Appeals Committee was set up to raise funds for construction of what was to become the “Markova Theatre”. In 1988 Marie Jack collected her OBE at Buckingham Palace. Mrs Jack retired in 1989. Mrs Margaret Sweet was appointed Headmistress.


In 1994 the decision was taken to separate from AES London. When the Schools separated, Tring Park School was set up as an independent company with the title ‘AES Tring Park School Trust’. As part of the separation, the Tring school acquired freehold title to Tring Park.


In 1998 the school won the Sainsbury’s Choir of the Year Competition, under the direction of Vaugh Meakins. The choir later toured America. The picture is from a performance the choir did with Val Doonican.


In 2001 Mr Stefan Anderson was appointed Principal of the school. In 2002, the science laboratories in the ‘New Block’ were enlarged and refurbished, together with the IT Suite and the Design and Textiles Room. The Courtyard area was also completely reconfigured. In 2007 Eve Pettinger became a Member of the order of the British Empire. In 2009 the school changed its name to Tring Park School for the Performing Arts.


2011 saw the opening of five new dance studios and won a design award presented by The Chilterns Conservation Board. The Commercial Music Course arrived one year later in 2012.


The School Choir, known as the 16, won the BBC Songs of Praise Choir of the Year, under the direction of Liz Norris. The 16 once again won the award in 2019.


Elizabeth House was finished in 2019 and now houses a theatre set design space, three large performances spaces and two classrooms on the lower ground floor with seventy-two bedrooms on the other three floors.


Simon Larter-Evans is to succeed Stefan Anderson as Principal of Tring Park School for the Performing Arts, as Stefan Anderson retires after 21 years at the school and over 40 years in education.