JUST ANNOUNCED – Final Open Day for September 2025 entry

25th August 2022

Overall, 92% of entries achieved grades 9-4, and 99% A*-C, in comparison with the national average of 73% grade 4/C and above. Additionally, 46% of our entries achieved grades 9-7, and 62% attained grades A* to A, compared to a national average of 27% grade 7/A and above.

Many subject areas achieved a 100% pass rate, including English Literature, Biology, Chemistry Physics, Art and Design, Dance, Drama, ICT and Music, demonstrating that the school’s holistic approach to its young people’s development produces resilient individuals, willing and able to work hard to achieve excellence. The results are particularly pleasing given the considerable disruption to this particular year group’s education due to Covid-related lockdowns and absences, and the fact that they have sat the first set of formal examinations in two years.

Principal Stefan Anderson comments: ‘We are incredibly proud of all of our GCSE students who have, yet again, achieved such wonderful grades in their GCSEs this year. We are particularly delighted by their outstanding effort and dedication, not only in the commitment to these exams, but also to the time, energy and resilience required across the students’ dual curriculum, which includes significant vocational commitments.

Amongst our top achievers, Benjamin Edwards achieved seven grade 9s and two A*s; Annabelle Westenholz-Smith attained six grade 9s, two A*s and a 7; and Darcy-Summer Hannan achieved five grade 9s, four 8s, and two A*s. As an academically non-selective school, we are equally proud of the many students who exceeded their Minimum Target Grades. Special mention must also go to Year 10 student Yoyo Wilson who studied A Level Chinese in one year, on top of the standard curriculum, and attained an A grade.

A significant number of students will be staying on to study for up to three A Levels at our Sixth Form, whilst continuing to develop their vocational talents through specialist training in the performing arts.